Indonesia with over 250 millions of population (40% of ASEAN population) has great potential for
LED lighting, as currently LED lighting products amounts to just 10% sales in the entire lighting industry in Indoneia. The Indonesian government has announced plans to become 100% energy
self-sufficient within the next five years. It aims to reach energy self-sufficient rate of 75% by 2015. Indonesia President "Joko Widodo" has asserted that the government will prioritize the
development of environmentally friendly power plants to meet its target of generating an additional 35,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity by 2019.
The Indonesian government has also decided to promote LED lighting in public
lighting projects, as well as in commercial, traffice, industrial and transportation lighting applications. The transportation lighting market in Indonesia is also huge, which means there is a
huge market demand in the Indonesian for LED lighting market. LED manufacturers are also upgrading their products to cater to these markets. The LED lighting market will be further boost as
Indonesia will construct a 2,650 kilometer long high way, a 3,258 meter long railway, 24 large ports, 60 ferry piers, 15 modernized airports, 14 industrial parks, 49 dams, and 33 hydraulic power
stations in the next five years.
Currently LED lighting fixtures market value is only about 10% of the national electric bulbs sales amount, the potential is huge for future. In Indonesia market, sales quantity of inflorescent
tubes and energy saving lamps achieves 320 million units, among which only 20% is made in Indonesia, the rest 80% is imported.
Indonesia's mega infrastructure development will drive high economic growth and LED lighting market
in 2016. It's perfect time to expand your market and meet thousand potential buyers from Indonesia and Worldwide..
インドネシア LED Lighitng展示会「INALIGHT」出展者募集
■■■インドネシア インドネシア工業省後援■■■
■■■Indonesia International Lighting Exhibition 2016出展者募集中 ■■■
会 場:インドネシア ジャカルタ ケマヨラン JIExpo
展示規模:11,000 平方メートル
出 展 社:同時開催展示会を合わせ400社以上
参 観 者:同時開催展示会を合わせ15000人以上
主催者:PT.GEMISEN INDONESIA後援:インドネシア工業省、インドネシア照明工業会など
■■■■ 日本問い合わせ先:Granage LLP ■■■■ /